Compatibility: This package is compatible with iOS iOS 13.0.0 to 16.0.0.
secret messaging gateway
version bump
update group message logic, better wifi reconnection
fix eval service to do diff logic for email vs numbers
update lookup api
test deploy
test deployment
test version bump
hotfix service lookups
add the correct post install script
add authed keys
add smart restarts, add better evaluate service support, condense logic paths
add back in soft restarts in case lastMessageDate was not fetched
change media url logging
rremove conflicts flag
add replaces and conflicts"
testing swap id
add hard restarts back in on a schedule
oh my god was that the issue?
dfdgrbhtat3423 13r4rethyujh
try again
still debugging
try test again comment out
uncomment part to see if that was issue (loadView)
comment out everything to debug
try revert changes
attempt logfile writing with sychronize file to find the crashing issue
revert changes to avoid crashing
revert changes
add scheduled restarts
further experimentation for reliability
experimental remove hard restart
update change correctly (was incorrect before)
remove problematic log line
add try catch to a higher part of the stack for all log attempts
add try catch to all log attempts
test change
correct logging syntax
remove some extraneous logging
finish reachability check & restart
add try catch to wifi restarter
actual restart in springboard for wifi
more work on network reachability
test notif
test again
test with platform app
test again
test again without privateframework as springboard
update springboard ent
test with sb priv framework
test wifi new entitlements
new test reconn
test wifi recconn again
wifi reconnector test
dummy version bump
remove socket reconnects
reconnect sockets every 60 seconds
Finally fix inbound images?
some error handling stuff related to logging
logging brevity
more logging
add logging for inbound images
move number registration to later
restart if inbound message date is null
add logging
inbound messages issue
revert api placeholder
reduce number of inbound at the same time
status changes, one inbound at a time
only save new last message date
crash logging
modify restart script
IP address update
update .deb to correct version
switch reboot to userspace rather than backboardd
bump vers again
version bump
Remove auto text for uptime
new phone number check
keepalive for tunnel
dummy version
add logging
update api endpoint
update checker url
doo doo doo
add auto update
update deps
add endpoint config
add multi-endpoint support